Joy In January Giveaway!


It's a joy spreading, smile inducing, uplifting blogathon project from the Natural Perfumer's Guild!  It's January and we aim to spread joy and fragrance.  January is often called the cruelest month.  Here in New England it's cold, it's dark, and the days are short.  Many suffer from the "winter blues" brought on by the lack of sunlight.

I call this particular season the Winterless Winter.  Here in Rhode Island we've had no snow.  This is bizarre.  Having lived my entire life in New England, from Vermont, to New Hampshire, to Massachusetts to Rhode Island I do not recall ever having a snowless winter.  According to an article I read online at Discover Magazine
the reason this winter is snow-free is due to an unusual jet stream pulling warm air across the country (shades of global climate change?)  Whatever the reason for the lack of snow, wildly fluctuating temperatures and frequent thunderstorms I feel the effect.  Something is off.  The trees and plants are confused.  Trees bud in the warm rain and then freeze.  I'm as confused.  The holidays felt strange with no snow.  Lighting a fire in the fireplace feels odd when it's 50 degrees outside in December.  My children ask me everyday when it will snow.  "When can we build a snowman Mom?"

So, in order to help spread cheer I look to scent.  Scents of citrus, jasmine and lilacs feel warm and happy, a reminder of impending spring.  I often find myself reaching for essences that I find uplifting when it's cold and grey outside.  I recently discovered the finest bitter orange essential oil I have ever experienced.  It's sunshine in a bottle.  Bright, clean and sparkling.  Excellent quality.  I use this bitter orange along with others such as rose, orange flower, amber, vanilla and ambrette in Divine eau de parfum.

Would you like to try Divine?  Or the incredible uplifting bitter orange essence I've found?  Leave a comment below and the chosen winner will receive a sample of Divine and the fab bitter orange!  Look for additional giveaways tomorrow and Wednesday.

Please check out all the talented generous participating Guild Perfumers blogs.  We are all giving away fabulous scented treats to brighten your January!

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Thank you so much for being a part of the Joy in January project!

Divine sounds really refreshing and joyful. Lilac is one of my favorite signs of spring, when things finally start to cheer up for me.

I hope some snow arrives soon for you all to enjoy.

With much appreciation,
Michael S

Michael S

Yes, the plants are confused! I’m worried about the honeybees too, with all those plants budding too early and then the spring bloom will be delayed or missing altogether.

I have already sampled your lovely Divine, so I won’t be needing that. BUT I’m dying to sample this bitter orange essential oil, the best you’ve ever smelled!

Amy H.

Your Divine sounds very inviting to this Florida Girl! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on SAD and JOY in January.

Susan S.

considering last year’s successive snow-ins and the struggle to live so rurally… i figure mother nature is apologizing. grin

what a divine Divine offer! thank you Charna! Cheers to such a great year!


Dear Charna, here in Romania is the same. I can’t remember last winter without snow. It’s incredibly warm for this period…


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